Closed projects
Below is a short overview of our closed projects. If you are interested in more information about a particular project, please click on the relevant link. Since we don't update these pages anymore, we apologize for broken links, outdated mails and phone numbers etc. At the bottom you will find a link to projects closed before 2008.
- CLARA was about common language resources and their applications - a Marie Curie ITN
- CLARIN EU was a European ERIC – European Research Infrastructure Consortium
- CLARIN Plus aimed at securing the sustainability of CLARIN ERIC, technically as well as organisationally.
- DAD - The Abstract Det was a project developing a formal model of the use of Danish pronominal abstract anaphora.
- DanNet was a research- and development project on a Danish lexical semantic wordnet.
- DASISH was a data service infrastructure for the social sciences and humanities.
- Development of a lemmatiser and PoS tagger, a digital tool for 19th century Danish.
- DIGHUMLAB, a Danish research infrastructure in the Humanities
- DK-CLARIN was Danish research infrastructure integrating written, spoken, and visual records.
- E in Science the centre participates in the University of Copenhagen platform E in Science.
- ESICT Development of an IT system answering health questions.
- eTranslation TermBank, identification and collection of terminology data from public institutions for use in automatic translation in EU.
- From thesaurus to FrameNet Development of a FrameNet for Danish from the Danish Thesaurus.
- Language Technology Observatory Aims at creating an overview of available language resources for machine translation
- Let'sMT! was a EU project about statistic machine translation (in Danish only).
- Leksikalsk disambiguering(in Danish only).
- MEDAR was a network for Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology.
- MELFA Mobile e-Learning for Africa. The project was aimed at South Africans with reading difficulties.
- MELFO - Mobile elearning for dyslexics (in Danish).
- META-NORD was an EU project with aim of developing language resources for the less resourced languages in the Baltic and Nordic countries.
- MULINCO - Multilingual Corpus of the University of Copenhagen (In Danish only).
- NOMCO - A collaborative Nordic analysis of multimodal spoken language corpora.
- Nordic online dictionary (In Danish only).'
- PARTHENOS - Aimed at strengthening the cohesion of research in the Humanities
- PaTrans (In Danish only).
- Reprosis
- Research Data Management Collaboration in the National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum)
- SDMT - Statistical dependency-based machine translation (In Danish only).
- Semantic Processing across Domains - is concerned with semantic processing and domain adaptation.
- Texts and dictionaries.
- Validation Centre ELRA chose Centre for Language Technology as validator for written language resources.
- Verbal and bodily communication
- Video Life Cycle Data Management Expansion of the existing multimedia platform Edumedia with data management functions.
- COLING96 International conference on Computational Linguistics, August 1996
- DanDokCenter Dansk dokumentationscenter for sprogteknologiske forskningsresultater. Projektet sluttede den 30. juni 2005.
- Datalingvistisk Netværk
- DefSum Resumeringsværktøj til danske tekster
- DIALOG PC-based system for spoken Danish dialog conc. flight reservations
- EAGLES Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems
- ELISE Kortlægning af eksportvirkomheders viden om sprog og kulturel baggrund hos deres kunder
- ELRA European Language Resources Association
- Enabler European National Activities for Basic Language Resources. Projektet sluttede den 31. august 2003.
- Euralex
- EUROMAP Human Language Technologies Opportunity Promotion in Europe
- Fovits Forskningsbaseret Videreuddannelse i it og Sprog.
- Grammatikprojekt. Projektet sluttede den 31. december 2003.
- Grasp
- IATE - Services for the Development of an Interactive Terminology Database System.
- IDANNA - IDentifikation og ANonymisering af NAvne. Projektet sluttede foråret 2005.
- Infost - Informationsstruktur i det danske sprog. Projektet sluttede i marts 2006.
- LCC Language Consulting Centre
- LINDA Linguistic Specifications for Danish
- LS-GRAM Large-Scale Grammars for EC Languages
- MECKA Methodologies for Constructing Knowledge Bases for Natural Language Processing Systems
- MIDAS - MLIS MultiLingual Information Society
- MOSES MOdular and Scalable Environment for the Semantic WEB. Projektet sluttede den 28. februar 2005.
- MUMIN MUltiModal INterfaces - et nordisk netværk.
- NEMLAR A Network for Euro-Mediterranean LAnguage Resource and human language technology development and support - on Arabic language resources
- NLTNet. Et netværk bestående af 5 nordiske universiteter og 5 brancheforeninger som har til opgave at arrangere en workshop
- Nomen Nescio Nordisk netværk om navnegenkendelse. Projektet sluttede den 31. december 2003.
- NorDokNet Nordisk netværk for dokumentationscentre for sprogteknologiske forskningsresultater. Projektet sluttede den 31. august 2005.
- NST - Nordisk Språkteknologi. Udvikling af sprogteknologiske værktøjer til syntetisk tale for dansk.
- OntoQuery Ontology-based Querying - indholdsbaseret informationssøgning. Projektet sluttede den 1. august 2005.
- OTELO. Open Translation Environment for Localisation.
- Ph.d-projekt: Danske Adverbier mellem Leksikon og Syntaks. Projektet sluttede den 31. august 2004.
- PAROLE Preparatory Action for Linguistic Resources Organisation for Language Engineering
- RELATOR European Network of Repositories for Linguistic Resources
- SCARRIE Scandinavian Proofreading Tools
- Senseval
- SIMPLE (Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica)
- SPINN Nordisk Netværk om Sprogteknologi og Informationssøgning.
- Staging The Staging of 3D worlds
- STO En stor dansk SprogTeknologisk Ordbase. Projektet sluttede den 29. februar 2004. (brugergrænseflade)
- TEMAA Testbed Study of Evaluation Methodologies: Authoring Aids
- TransRouter Translation Router
- TQPro Translation Quality for Professionals
- UDOG Research into Danish vocabulary and grammar
- VID - Viden- og Dokumenthåndtering med sprogteknologi. Projektet sluttede den 31. december 2004.
- Vurdering af automatiske metoder til produktion af metadata
- Værktøjskasse